Thursday,  5-6:30pm in 32-D831
Professor Maya Honda

Course Description

In this seminar, we will explore the idea that the study of language in K-12 (kindergarten-grade 12) education can be a means to develop young people’s understanding of scientific inquiry as well as their understanding of the nature of language. We will examine the view that the native language knowledge that each student brings to the classroom comprises a rich, accessible database, which can be used to give students the opportunity to become familiar with the methods, concepts, and attitudes of scientific inquiry. We will probe past and current efforts to engage young learners in linguistic inquiry and consider how to advance this work.

The challenge of this seminar is to create pedagogical materials and methods that will motivate learners of all ages to be inquisitive about their native language and about language in general, with a primary focus on secondary school students (grades 6-12). Seminar participants will work with one another and in partnership with K-12 teachers whenever possible.


There are two prerequisites: first, that you come motivated to making linguistic inquiry accessible to all; second, that you come committed to collaborating with others in this work. Previous experience teaching linguistics at any level is welcome, but not required.

Graduate students from other departments are also welcome if they have taken a linguistics course or have my approval.