MIT Alumni and their Dissertations
1965 to present

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James Foley (1965) Spanish Morphology 

Bruce Fraser (1965) An Examination of the Verb-Particle Construction in English 

Barbara Hall (Partee) (1965) Subject and Object in Modern English 

 Sige-Yuki Kuroda (1965) Generative Grammatical Studies in the Japanese Language 

Terence Langendoen (1965) Modern British Linguistics 

† Theodore Lightner (1965) Segmental Phonology of Modern Standard Russian 

 James McCawley (1965) Accentual System of Standard Japanese 

Stanley Petrick (1965) A Recognition Procedure for Transformational Grammars 

Peter Rosenbaum (1965) Grammar of English Predicate Complement Constructions 

Sanford Schane (1965) Phonological and Morphological Structure of French 

 Jeffrey Gruber (1965) Studies in Lexical Relations 

Paul Kiparsky (1965) Phonological Change 

Arnold Zwicky (1965) Topics in Sanskrit Phonology 

Philip Lieberman (1966) Intonation, Perception, and Language 

Thomas Bever (1967) Leonard Bloomfield and the Phonology of the Menomini Language 

 Paul Chapin (1967) On the Syntax of Word-Derivation in English 

James Fidelholtz (1967) Micmac Morphophonemics 

James Harris (1967) Spanish Phonology 

John Robert Ross (1967) Constraints on Variables in Syntax 

George Bedell (1968) Kokugaku Grammatical Theory 

Ray C. Dougherty (1968) A Transformational Grammar of Coordinate Conjoined Structures 

Anthony Naro (1968) The History of Portuguese Passives and Impersonals 

David Perlmutter (1968) Deep and Surface Constraints in Syntax 

Stephen Anderson (1969) West Scandinavian Vowel Systems and the Ordering of Phonological Rules 

Ray S. Jackendoff (1969) Some Rules of Semantic Interpretation for English 

Richard S. Kayne (1969) The Transformational Cycle in French Syntax 

Richard Stanley (1969) The Phonology of the Navaho Verb 

Nancy Woo (1969) Prosody and Phonology 

Michael Geis (1970) Adverbial Subordinate Clauses in English 

 Michael Brame (1970) Arabic Phonology: Implications for Phonological Theory and Historical Semitic 

Janet Dean Fodor (1970) Linguistic Description of Opaque Contexts 

 Adrian Akmajian (1970) Aspects of the Grammar of Focus in English 

François Dell (1970) Les Régles Phonologiques Tardives et La Morphologie Derivationalle du Français. (Topics in French Phonology and Derivational Morphology.) 

Joseph Emonds (1970) Root and Structure-Preserving Transformations 

† John Kimball (1970) Categories of Meaning 

Peter Culicover (1971) Syntactic and Semantic Investigations 

Michael Helke (1971) The Grammar of English Reflexives 

David Caplan (1971) Probe Tests and Sentence Perception 

Susan D. Fischer (1971) The Acquisition of Verb-Particle and Dative Constructions 

Minoru Nakau (1971) Sentential Complementation in Japanese 

George Williams (1971) Networks of Anaphora: An Essay in the Syntax of Pronominalization 

† Emily A. Pope (1972) Questions and Answers in English 

Thomas A. Wasow (1972) Anaphoric Relations in English 

Joan Wanda Bresnan (1972) Theory of Complementation in English Syntax 

 Rudolphus De Rijk (1972) Studies in Basque Syntax: Relative Clauses 

Irwin Howard (1972) A Directional Theory of Rule Application in Phonology 

Lyle Jenkins (1972) Modality in English Syntax 

Howard B. Lasnik (1972) Analyses of Negation in English 

Elisabeth O. Selkirk (1972) The Phrase Phonology of English and French 

John S. Bowers (1973) Grammatical Relations 

Joan M. Maling (1973) The Theory of Classical Arabic Metrics 

 Sylvia Schwartz Permesly (1973) Some Aspects of Presupposition in Generative Grammar 

Nomi Erteschik (1973) On the Nature of Island Constraints 

Francis Roger Higgins (1973) The Pseudo-Cleft Construction in English 

Paul Platero (1973) A Study of the Navajo Relative Clause. (M.S.) 

William R. Leben (1973) Suprasegmental Phonology 

Judith R. Kornfeld (1974) The Influence of Clause Structure on the Perceptual Analysis of Sentences 

 Jean-Roger Vergnaud (1974) French Relative Clauses 

Deirdre Wilson (1974) Presuppositions and Non-Truth-Conditional Semantics 

Edwin S. Williams (1974) Rule Ordering in Syntax 

Mark H. Aronoff (1974) Word-Structure 

Ivonne Bordelois (1974) The Grammar of Spanish Causative Complements 

Robert A. Faraci (1974) Aspects of the Grammar of Infinitives and For-Phrases 

Robert W. Fiengo (1974) Semantic Conditions on Surface Structure 

Anthony S. Kroch (1974) The Semantics of Scope in English 

Gary L. Milsark (1974) Existential Sentences in English 

Dorothy C. Siegel (1974) Topics in English Morphology 

Dale Old Horn (1975) Some Complement Constructions of the Crow Indian Language. (M.S.) 

George Reed (1975) Dictionary of the Crow Language. (M.S.) 

Avery D. Andrews (1975) Studies in the Syntax of Relative and Comparative Clauses 

Ellen S. Kaufman

[Schauber] (1975) Theoretical Responses to Navajo Questions 

Mary-Louise Kean (1975) The Theory of Markedness in Generative Grammar 

Susan E. Martin (1975) Problems in Japanese Particles (M.S.) 

 Shosuke Haraguchi (1975) The Tone Pattern of Japanese: An Autosegmental Theory of Tonology 

Mark Y. Liberman (1975) The Intonational System of English and (1973) Some Observations on Semantic Scope (M.S.)

Alan S. Prince (1975) The Phonology and Morphology of Tiberian Hebrew 

Robert B. Rardin (1975) Studies in Derivational Morphology 

Richard T. Oehrle (1976) The Grammatical Status of the English Dative Alternation 

 Sarah J. Bell (1976) Cebuano Subjects in Two Frameworks 

John A. Goldsmith (1976) Autosegmental Phonology 

Wha-Chun M. Kim (1976) The Theory of Anaphora in Korean Syntax 

Daniel Kahn (1976) Syllable-Based Generalizations in English Phonology 

Terry J. Klokeid (1976) Topics in Lardil Grammar 

Joan Mascaro (1976) Catalan Phonology and the Phonological Cycle 

 Tanya Reinhart (1976) The Syntactic Domain of Anaphora 

 Ivan A. Sag (1976) Deletion and Logical Form. 

† Erich Friedrich Woisetschlaeger (1977) A Semantic Theory of the English Auxiliary System 

† Alberto Mario Rivas (1977) A Theory of Clitics 

Robert Carlen May (1977) The Grammar of Quantification 

LaVerne M. Jeanne (1978) Aspects of Hopi Grammar 

Paul M. Platero (1978) Missing Noun Phrases in Navajo 

Joel Rotenberg (1978) The Syntax of Phonology 

Craig Thiersch (1978) Topics in German Syntax 

Mark Reuben Baltin (1978) Toward a Theory of Movement Rules 

John Joseph McCarthy (1979) Formal Problems in Semitic Phonology and Morphology 

Jill Louise Carrier (1979) The Interaction of Morphological and Phonological Rules in Tagalog: A Study in the Relationship Between Rule Components in Grammar 

Nicholas Ostler (1979) Case-Linking: A Theory of Case and Verb Diathesis, Applied to Classical Sanskrit 

Moira Jean Winsland Yip (1980) The Tonal Phonology of Chinese 

Leland Maurice George (1980) Analogical Generalization in Natural Language Syntax 

Ann Kathleen Farmer (1980) On the Interaction of Morphology and Syntax 

Bruce Hayes (1980) A Metrical Theory of Stress Rules 

Rochelle Lieber (1980) On the Organization of the Lexicon 

David Nash (1980) Topics in Warlpiri Grammar 

Todd Sjoblom (1980) Coordination 

 Osvaldo A. Jaeggli (1980) On Some Phonologically-Null Elements in Syntax 

Marcia C. Linebarger (1980) The Grammar of Negative Polarity 

Janet B. Pierrehumbert (1980) The Phonology and Phonetics of English Intonation 

Hagit Borer (1981) Parametric Variations in Clitic Constructions 

Luigi Burzio (1981) Intransitive Verbs and Italian Auxiliaries 

 Robert Ingria (1981) Sentential Complementation in Modern Greek 

Yukio Otsu (1981) Universal Grammar and Syntactic Development in Children: Toward a Theory of Syntactic Development 

Alec Paul Marantz (1981) On the Nature of Grammatical Relations 

Timothy Angus Stowell (1981) Origins of Phrase Structure 

Joseph E. Aoun (1982) The Formal Nature of Anaphoric Relations 

Lauri H. Carlson (1982) Dialogue Games: An Approach to Discourse Analysis 

Karuvannur Puthanveettil Mohanan (1982) Lexical Phonology 

James Cheng-Teh Huang (1982) Logical Relations in Chinese and the Theory of Grammar 

Denis Bouchard (1982) On the Content of Empty Categories 

Carol Jan Neidle (1982) The Role of Case in Russian Syntax 

David Pesetsky (1982) Paths and Categories 

Kenneth Safir (1982) Syntactic Chains and the Definiteness Effect 

Donca Steriade (1982) Greek Prosodies and the Nature of Syllabification 

Maria-Luisa Zubizarreta (1982) On the Relationship of the Lexicon to Syntax 

Paula Pranka (1983) Syntax and Word Formation 

Douglas Pulleyblank (1983) Tone in Lexical Phonology 

Jane Simpson (1983) Aspects of Warlpiri Morphology and Syntax 

Susan D. Rothstein (1983) The Syntactic Forms of Predication 

Maria Rita Manzini (1983) Restructuring and Reanalysis 

Dominique Sportiche (1983) Structural Invariance and Symmetry in Syntax 

Janet Wager (1983) Complementation in Moroccan Arabic 

William John Poser (1984) The Phonetics and Phonology of Tone and Intonation in Japanese 

Malka Rappaport (1984) Issues in the Phonology of Tiberian Hebrew 

Diana Bennett Archangeli (1984) Underspecification in Yawelmani Phonology and Morphology 

Nigel Alexander John Fabb (1984) Syntactic Affixation 

 Yehuda Nahum Falk (1984) Grammatical Configurations and Grammatical Relations 

Mario Montalbetti (1984) After Binding: On the Interpretation of Pronouns 

Lisa deMena Travis (1984) Parameters and Effects of Word Order Variation 

Mamoru Saito (1985) Some Asymmetries in Japanese and Their Theoretical Implications 

Judy Anne Shepard-Kegl (1985) Locative Relations in American Sign Language Word Formation, Syntax and Discourse 

Juliette Levin [Blevins] (1985) A Metrical Theory of Syllabicity 

Mark C. Baker (1985) Incorporation: A Theory of Grammatical Function Changing 

Diane Massam (1985) Case Theory and the Projection Principle 

Richard Sproat 1985 On Deriving the Lexicon

Isabelle Haik (1986) The Syntax of Operators 

Kyle Brian Johnson (1986) A Case for Movement 

Laura E. Knecht (1986) Subject and Object in Turkish 

Lorraine Levin (1986) Operations on Lexical Forms: On Accusative Rules in Germanic Languages 

Naoki Fukui (1986) A Theory of Category Projection and its Applications 

Elizabeth Sagey (1986) The Representation of Features and Relations in Non-Linear Phonology 

Barry Schein (1986) Event Logic and the Interpretation of Plurals 

Margaret Jean Speas (1986) Adjuctions and Projections in Syntax 

Andrew Barss (1986) Chains and Anaphoric Dependence: On Reconstruction and its Implications 

Tova Rebecca Rapoport (1987) Copular, Nominal, and Small Clauses: A Study of Israeli Hebrew 

Corey Washington (1987) Discourse Interpretation and the Temporality of States and Events (M.S.)

Steven Paul Abney (1987) The English Noun Phrase in its Sentential Aspect 

Jennifer Sandra Cole (1987) Planar Phonology and Morphology 

Marguerite Browning (1987) Null Operator Constructions 

John Stewart Lumsden (1987) Syntactic Features: Parametric Variation in the History of English 

Ur Shlonsky (1987) Null and Displaced Subjects 

Carol Lee Tenny (1987) Grammaticalizing Aspect and Affectedness 

Hyon Sook Choe (1988) Restructuring Parameters and Complex Predicates – A Transformational Approach 

Amy Sara Weinberg (1988) Locality Principles in Syntax and in Parsing 

Andrea Calabrese (1988) Towards a Theory of Phonological Alphabets 

Anne Rochette (1988) Semantic and Syntactic Aspects of Romance Sentential Complementation 

Danilo Salamanca (1988) Elementos De Gramatica Del Miskito 

Ewa Czaykowska Higgins (1988) Investigations into Polish Morphology and Phonology 

Myung-Yoon Kang (1988) Topics in Korean Syntax: Phrase Structure, Variable Binding and Movement 

Philip Stanley LeSourd (1988) Accent and Syllable Structure in Passamaquoddy 

Rosario Lorenza Trigo-Ferre (1988) The Phonological Derivation and Behavior of Nasal Glides 

Katherine McCreight Young (1988) Multiple Case Assignments 

Viviane M. Déprez (1989) On the Typology of Syntactic Positions and the Nature of Chains: Move ? to the Specifier of Functional Projections 

Elizabeth Ritter (1989) A Case in Agreement: Hebrew Noun Phrases and Benoni Verb Phrases 

Brian Mark Sietsema (1989) Metrical Dependencies in Tone Assignment 

Alicja Gorecka (1989) Phonology of Articulation 

Yafei Li (1990) Conditions on X-Movement 

Scott Meredith (1990) Issues in the Phonology of Prominence 

Zhiming Bao (1990) On the Nature of Tone 

Janis Leanne Melvold (1990) Structure and Stress in the Phonology of Russian 

Miren Itziar Laka Mugarza (1990) Negation in Syntax: On the Nature of Functional Categories and Projections 

San Duanmu (1990) A Formal Study of Syllable, Tone, Stress and Domain in Chinese Languages 

Peter Francis Kipka (1990) Slavic Aspect and its Implications 

Anoop Kumar Mahajan (1990) The A/A-bar Distinction and Movement Theory 

Katherine Susan Kearns (1991) The Semantics of the English Progressive 

James Douglas Saddy (1991) Investigations into Grammatical Knowledge 

Lisa Lai Shen Cheng (1991) On the Typology of Wh-Questions 

Elizabeth Mary Klipple (1991) The Aspectual Nature of Thematic Relations: Locative and Temporal Phrases in English and Chinese 

M. Eulàlia Bonet i Alsina (1991) Morphology After Syntax: Pronominal Clitics in Romance 

Hamida K Demirdache (1991) Resumptive Chains in Restrictive Relatives, Appositives and Dislocation Structures 

Mika Hoffman (1991) The Syntax of Argument-Structure-Changing Morphology 

Sabine Iatridou (1991) Topics in Conditionals 

Utpal Lahiri (1991) On Embedded Interrogatives and Predicates that Embed Them 

Paul S. Law (1991) Effects of Head-Movement on Subjacency and Proper Government 

Harry Leder (1991) Tense and Temporal Order 

Sigal Uziel (1991) Resetting Universal Grammar Parameters: Evidence from Second Language Acquisition of Subjacency and the Empty Category Principle (M.S.)

† Matthew John Alexander (1991) Agreement configurations: Grammatical Relations in Modular Grammar

Michael V. Hegarty (1992) Adjunct Extraction and Chain Configurations 

Kelly Sloan (1992) Syllables and Templates: Evidence from Southern Siberia Miwok 

Philip Branigan (1992) Subjects and Complementizers 

William Idsardi (1992) The Computation of Prosody 

Miori Kubo (1992) Japanese Syntactic Structures and their Constructional Meanings

Friederike Moltmann (1992) Coordination and Comparatives 

Kumiko Murasugi (1992) Crossing and Nested Paths: NP Movement in Accusative and Ergative Languages 

Rolf Noyer (1992) Features, Positions, and Affixes in Autonomous Morphological Structure 

Christopher Tancredi (1992) Deletion, Deaccenting, and Presupposition 

Hiroaki Tada (1993) A/A-bar Partition in Derivation 

Christopher Collins (1993) Topics in Ewe Syntax 

Douglas Jones (1993) Binding as an Interface Condition: An Investigation of Hindi Scrambling 

Toshifusa Oka (1993) Minimalism in Syntactic Derivation 

Akira Watanabe (1993) Agr-based Case Theory and its Interaction with the A-bar System 

Seth Minkoff (1994) How Some So-called “Thematic Roles” That Select Animate Arguments are Generated, and How These Roles Inform Control 

Wei-Tien Dylan Tsai (1994) On Economizing the Theory of A-Bar Dependencies 

Andrea Leszek (1995) A Critical Study of Imperatives (S.M.) 

Jonathan D. Bobaljik (1995) Morphosyntax: The Syntax of Verbal Inflection 

Masatoshi Koizumi (1995) Phrase Structure in Minimalist Syntax 

Ingvar P.M. Löfstedt (1995) On the Swedish Pitch Accents (S.M.) 

Maria Do Pilar Barbosa (1995) Null Subjects 

Andrew Carnie (1995) Non-Verbal Predication and Head-Movement 

Diana Cresti (1995) Indefinite Topics 

Heidi Harley (1995) Subjects, Events and Licensing 

Renate Musan (1995) On the Temporal Interpretation of Noun Phrases 

Hubert Truckenbrodt (1995) Phonological Phrases: Their Relation to Syntax, Focus and Prominence 

Hiroyuki Ura (1996) Multiple Feature Checking: A Theory of Grammatical Function Splitting 

Fleur Veraart (1996) On the Distribution of Dutch Reflexives (S.M.) 

 Maria A. Babyonyshev (1996) Structural Connections in Syntax and Processing: Studies in Russian and Japanese 

Colin Phillips (1996) Order and Structure 

David McKay (1997) Metrical Theory and English Verse (S.M.) 

Carson Schütze (1997) INFL in Child and Adult Language: Agreement, Case and Licensing 

Michele Sigler (1997) Specificity and Agreement in Standard Western Armenian 

Robert Pensalfini (1997) Jingulu Grammar, Dictionary, and Texts 

Judy Baek (1997) Verb Raising and A/A-bar Distinction: Evidence from Exceptional Case Marking 

Orin Percus (1997) Aspects of A 

Norvin Richards (1997) What Moves Where When in Which Language? 

Daniel Fox (1998) Economy and Semantic Interpretation – A study of scope and variable binding 

Paul Hagstrom (1998) Decomposing Questions 

Martha McGinnis (1998) Locality in A-Movement 

Uli Sauerland (1998) On the Making and Meaning of Chains 

Hooi Ling Soh (1998) Object Scrambling in Chinese 

Susanne Wurmbrand (1998) Infinitives 

Vaijayanthi Sarma (1999) Case, Agreement and Word Order: Issues in the Syntax and Acquisition of Tamil 

Luciana Storto (1999) Aspects of a Karitiana Grammmar 

Marie Claude Boivin (1999) Split Noun Phrases and the Theory of Case 

Maria Isabel Oltra Massuet (1999) On the Notion of “Theme Vowel”: A New Approach to Catalan Verbal Morphology (S.M.) 

Sveva Besana (1999) Towards an Analysis of Turinese Italian Intonation and Theoretical Implications for Intonational Phonology (S.M.) 

Thomas Green (1999) A Lexicographic Study of Ulwa 

Idan Landau (1999) Elements of Control 

Philippe Schlenker (1999) Propositional Attitudes and Indexicality: A Cross-Categorial Approach 

Jessie Little Doe Baird [Fermino] (2000) An Introduction to Wampanoag Grammar (S.M.) 

Taylor Roberts (2000) Clitics and Agreement 

Marie-Hélène Côté (2000) Consonant Cluster Phonotactics: A Perceptual Approach 

Yoonjung Kang (2000) The Phonetics and Phonology of Coronal Markedness and Unmarkedness 

Gaurav Mathur (2000) The morphology-phonology interface in signed languages 

Jonathan Nissenbaum (2000) Investigations of Covert Phrase Movement 

Martin Hackl (2001) Comparative Quantifier 

Calixto Aguero Bautista (2001) Cyclicity and the Scope of WH-Phrases 

Christopher Bader (2001) Givenness, Focus, and Prosody 

Benjamin Bruening (2001) Syntax at the Edge: Cross-Clausal Phenomena and the Syntax of Passamaquoddy 

Meltem Kelepir (2001) Topics in Turkish Syntax: Clausal Structure and Scope 

Cornelia Krause (2001) On Reduced Relatives with Genitive Subjects 

Paul Elbourne (2002) Situations and Individuals 

Mariliina Pylkkanen (2002) Introducing Arguments 

Karlos Arregi (2002) Focus on Basque Movements 

Bridget Copley (2002) The Semantics of the Future 

Elissa Flagg (2002) Interface Issues in the English Imperative 

Michela Ippolito (2002) The Time of Possibilities – Truth and Felicity of Subjunctive Conditionals 

Julie Legate (2002) Warlpiri: Theoretical Implications. 

Vivian Lin (2002) Coordination and Sharing at the Interfaces 

Ora Matushansky (2002) Movement of degree/degree of movement 

Andrea Rackowski (2002) The Structure of Tagalog: Specificity, Voice, and the Distribution of Arguments 

Tatjana Marvin (2003) Topics in the Stress and Syntax of Words 

Maria Cristina Cuervo (2003) Datives at Large 

Daniel Harbour (2003) Elements of Number Theory 

Pai-Fang Hsiao (2003) The Syntax and Processing of Relative Clauses in Mandarin Chinese 

Elena Guerzoni (2003) Why Even Ask? On the Pragmatics of Questions and the Semantics of Answers 

Shinichiro Ishihara (2003) Intonation and Interface Conditions 

Zhiqiang Li (2003) The Phonetics and Phonology of Tone Mapping in a Constraint-Based Approach 

Rebecca Norris (2004) Acquisition of the T and C system in Clausal Complements (S.M.) 

Teal Bissell Doggett (2004) All Things Being Unequal: Locality in Movement 

Youngjoo Lee (2004) The Syntax and Semantics of Focus Particles 

Linnaea Stockall (2004) Magentoencephalographic Investigations of Morphological Identity and Irregularity 

Ken Hiraiwa (2005) Dimensions of Symmetry in Syntax: Agreement and Clausal Architecture 

Andrew Nevins (2005) Conditions on (Dis)Harmony 

Aniko Csirmaz (2005) Semantics and Phonology in Syntax 

Marcelo Ferreira (2005) Event Quantification and Plurality 

Jon Gajewski (2005) Neg-Raising: Polarity and Presupposition 

Heejeong Ko (2005) Syntactic Edges and Linearization 

Joseph Sabbagh (2005) Non-Verbal Argument Structure:Evidence from Tagalog 

Michael Wagner (2005) Prosody and Recursion 

Shoichi Takahashi (2006) Decompositionality and Identity 

Justin Fitzpatrick (2006) The Syntactic and Semantic Roots of Floating Quantification 

Nitana Hicks (2006) A List of Initials and Finals in Wôpanâak (S.M.)

Alison Adler (2006) Syntax and Discourse in the Acquisition of Adjunct Control 

Pranav Anand (2006) De De Se 

Valentine Hacquard (2006) Aspects of Modality 

Lance Nathan (2006) On the Interpretation of Concealed Questions 

Martina Gračanin Yuksek (2007) About Sharing 

Ivona Kučerová (2007) Syntax of Givenness 

Marta Abrusan (2007) Contradiction and Grammar: The Case of Weak Islands 

Seth Cable (2007) The Grammar of Q: Q-particles and the Nature of Wh-Fronting, as Revealed by the Wh-Questions of Tlingit 

Feng-Fan Hsieh (2007) Relational Correspondence in Tone Sandhi 

Andres Salanova (2007) Nominalizations and Aspect 

Tamina Stephenson (2007) Towards a Theory of Subjective Meaning 

MaryAnn Walter (2007) Repetition Avoidance in Human Language 

Sophia Tapio (2008) The Effects of Frequency and Composition on Production Duration in Morphological Processing  (S.M.)

Hsiao-hung Iris Wu (2008) Generalized Inversion and the Theory of Agree 

Asaf Bachrach (2008) Imaging Neural Correlates of Syntactic Complexity in Naturalistic Context 

Joseph Hill (2008) Syllabification and Syllable Weight in Ancient Greek Songs (S.M.) 

Sarah Hulsey (2008) Focus Sensitive Coordination 

Roni Katzir (2008) Structural Competition in Grammar 

Franz Katzir Cozier (2008) The Role of Perception in Phonotactic Constraints: Evidence from Trinidad English (S.M.) 

Ezra Keshet (2008) Good Intensions: Paving two Roads to a Theory of the de re / de dicto Distinction 

Jillian Mills (2008) Objects in the Pseudopassive (S.M.) 

Rajvinder Singh (2008) Modularity and Locality in Interpretation 

Olga Vaysman (2009) Segmental Alternations and Metrical Theory 

Tara McCallister (2009) The Articulatory Basis of Positional Asymmetries in Phonological Acquisition 

Giorgio Magri (2009) A Theory of Individual-Level Predicates Based on Blind Mandatory Implicatures. Constraint Promotion for Learning for Optimality Theory_ 

Junri Shimada (2009) Measurement That Transcends Time: A Lebesgue Integral Approach to Existential Sentences 

Gillian Gallagher (2010) The Perceptual Basis of Long-Distance Laryngeal Restrictions 

Hyesun Cho (2010) A Weighted-Constraint Model of F0 Movements 

Jessica Coon (2010) Complementation in Chol (Mayan): A Theory of Split Ergativity 

Maria Giavazzi (2010) The Phonetics of Metrical Prominence and Its Consequences on Segmental Phonology 

Jonah Katz (2010) Compression Effects, Perceptual Asymmetries, and the Grammar of Timing 

Alevtina Asarina [Alya Abbott] (2011) Case in Uyghur and Beyond 

Bronwyn Bjorkman (2011) BE-ing Default: The Morphosyntax of Auxiliary Verbs 

Luka Crnic (2011) Getting even 

Patrick Grosz (2011) On the Grammar of Optative Constructions 

Jennifer Michaels (2011) Licensing Stop Place before Laterals: A Study of Acoustic Cues Relevant to the Perception of Stop-Lateral Sequences 

Omer Preminger (2011) Agreement as a Fallible Operation 

Tue Trinh (2011) Edges and Linearization – An Investigation into the Pronunciation of Chains 

Peter Graff (2012) Communicative Efficiency in the Lexicon 

Claire Halpert (2012) Argument Licensing and Agreement in Zulu 

Jeremy Hartman (2012) Varieties of Clausal Complementation 

Pritty Patel-Grosz (2012) (Anti-)Locality at the Interfaces 

Kirill Shklovsky (2012) Tseltal Clause Structure 

Yasutada Sudo (2012) On the Semantics of Phi Features on Pronouns 

Guillaume Thomas (2012) Temporal Implicatures 

Young Ah Do (2013) Biased Learning of Phonological Alternations 

Sam Al Khatib (2013) “Only” and Association with Negative Antonyms 

Natalia Ivlieva (2013) Scalar Implicatures and the Grammar of Plurality and Disjunction 

Hrayr Khanjian (2013) (Negative) Concord and Head Directionality in Western Armenian 

Marie-Christine Meyer (2013) Ignorance and Grammar 

Igor Yanovich (2013) Four Pieces for Modality, Context and Usage 

Edwin Howard (2014) Superlative degree clauses: Evidence from NPI licensing (S.M) 

Liudmila Nikolaeva (2014) The Secret Life of Pronouns 

Rafael Nonato (2014) Clause Chaining, Switch Reference and Coordination 

Alexander Podobryaev (2014) Persons, Imposters, and Monsters 

Anthony Brohan (2014) Analytic Bias in Coocurrence Restrictions (S.M) 

Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine (2014) Movement Out of Focus 

Yusuke Imanishi (2014) Default Ergative 

Patrick Jones (2014) Tonal Interaction in Kinande: Cyclicity, Opacity, and Morphosyntactic Structure 

Hadas Kotek (2014) Composing Questions 

Wataru Uegaki (2015) Interpreting Questions under Attitudes 

Isaac Gould (2015) Syntactic Learning from Ambiguous Evidence: Errors and End States

Theodore Levin (2015) Licensing without Case

Coppe van Urk (2015) A Uniform Syntax for Phrasal Movement: a Dinka Bor Case Study