The Postdoctoral Fellow title is used for those who join the MIT community soon after receiving their doctorate. Working under the supervision of MIT faculty members, postdoctoral fellows come to MIT to develop their scholarly competence.

Postdoctoral Fellows are expected to provide their own funding to support their stay. Funds for postdoctoral fellowships are provided from a variety of sources, including private donors, foundations, corporations, and government agencies. Financial support is typically in the form of a fellowship or stipend, usually from an outside agency, either directly or distributed through MIT on behalf of the sponsor.

Length of stay varies depending on area of interest and individual circumstances. Since the postdoctoral position is not intended to be long-term, MIT limits the postdoctoral period to four years, with promotion to the rank of senior postdoctoral associate possible after three years. Extension for a fifth year or promotion to research scientist requires a dean’s or VPR approval.

Funding Requirements for Postdoctoral Fellows

Effective January 1, 2025, the minimum salary/stipend for Postdoctoral Fellows is $69,000, followed by an increase to $71,000 on July 1, 2025. The fellowship must cover the entire amount, personal funds cannot be used. This amount may change at any time.

Health Insurance

International fellows must meet the J1 health insurance requirements.

We are committed to equalizing the cost of health insurance between postdoc fellows and postdoc associates (those paid by MIT), so that the premiums paid by fellows are not greater than what they would be paying if they were postdoctoral associates. At the time of the initial appointment, we will conduct an evaluation, factoring in any health insurance coverage provided by your fellowship. When the remaining cost to the fellow would exceed that of a postdoctoral associate, our department will provide the difference between the cost to the individual for fellows versus associates. Please visit the Office of the VPR site for information.

Information about MIT’s Affiliate Health Plan (also called MIT SHIP) can be found here.


A formal application should only be sent after the prospective visitor has made contact with (and been encouraged by) a specific member of our faculty who is interested in their research.

Applications include the following:

  1. Statement of Purpose indicating the research goals of your stay, the beginning and ending dates of your visit, and the faculty member you would like to consult with during your stay
  2. CV
  3. Writing sample (one or two recent papers)
  4. Two letters of recommendation

Submit your application electronically or in hard copy to:

Michael Kenstowicz
MIT Linguistics and Philosophy
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Bldg. 32-D808
Cambridge, MA 02139 USA

Applicants will be informed of their status shortly after the application deadlines.


Applications are due on March 15 for the following Fall semester and September 1 for the following Spring semester.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]