Research at MIT Linguistics
We are updating this page so please check back again (and often) for the newest and the latest in linguistics research at MIT.
Title | Author(s) | Publication Data | Type | Year |
Complementizer-trace effects | Pesetsky, David | to appear in Martin Everaert and Henk van Riemsdijk (eds.) A Companion to Syntax, 2nd edition, Oxford: Blackwell. | book chapter | To appear |
The visual trace of unaccusativity in online processing | Koring, Loes; Van de Koot, Hans | Submitted | unpublished manuscript | To appear |
Language Acquisition from a Biolinguistic Perspective | Crain, Stephen; Koring, Loes; Thornton, Rosalind | In press | journal article | To appear |
Processing intransitive verbs: How do children differ from adults? | Koring, Loes; Mak, Pim; Mulders, Iris; Reuland, Eric | Submitted | unpublished manuscript | To appear |
The Lexical Accent of Surnames in Kyengsang Korean: A Study in Analogy | Kenstowicz, Michael; Sohn, Hyangsook | To appear in Journal of Asian and African Studies, vol. 94, 2017 | journal article | To appear |
"Whether" can pied-pipe | Wu, Danfeng | NELS 50 proceedings | proceedings paper | To appear |
Anti-locality | Norvin, Richards | In Kleanthes Grohmann and Evelina Leivada (eds.), Cambridge Handbook of the Minimalist Program. | book chapter | To appear |
Finding something to lean on | Richards, Norvin | Language | journal article | To appear |
Reconstructing stress in Wopanaak | Richards, Norvin | International Journal of American Linguistics | journal article | To appear |
Vowel-to-Vowel Intervals in the Quantitative Meters of A.Greek and Latin | Steriade, Donca | Chicao Linguistics Society, April 28-30, 2023 | handout/slides | 2023 |
Two kinds of bans on ergative extraction | Richards, Norvin | ms., MIT | unpublished manuscript | 2023 |
Generalized Earliness. | Richards, Norvin | ms., MIT | unpublished manuscript | 2023 |
Detecting Contiguity-Prominence | Richards, Norvin | ms., MIT | unpublished manuscript | 2023 |
Priscianic word formation: morphomes, referrals and alternatives | Steriade, Donca | to appear in The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Morphology | journal article | 2022 |
Why *"if or not" but ?"whether or not" | Wu, Danfeng | LI Squibs | journal article | 2021 |
Paradigm structure in Sanskrit reduplicants | Steriade, Donca | to appear in Darya Kavitskaya and Alan Yu (eds.) Festschrift for Andrew Garrett | journal article | 2021 |
Immobile wh-phrases in Tagalog | Richards, Norvin | Glossa 6(1): 139. | journal article | 2021 |
"Whether" can pied-pipe | Wu, Danfeng | handout/slides | 2020 | |
Syntax of "either" in "either...or..." sentences | Wu, Danfeng | NELS 50 proceedings | proceedings paper | 2020 |
Focus and penultimate vowel lengthening in Zulu | Wu, Danfeng; Gowda, Yadav | Speech Prosody 2020 proceedings | proceedings paper | 2020 |
There is no post-focal de-phrasing in English | Wu, Danfeng | AMP 2020 poster | poster | 2020 |
A foot-based ludling and its implications for English footing | Driscoll, Trevor; Metzler, Zach; , Chris Golston | AMP 2020 poster | poster | 2020 |
Productive pseudo-cyclicity and its significance | Steriade, Donca; Stanton, Juliet | talk at Labphon 17 (UBC) | journal article | 2020 |
Ellipsis as a diagnostic of movements in expletive there and it sentences | Wu, Danfeng | CLS 54 Proceedings | proceedings paper | 2019 |
Syntax of either in eitheror sentences | Wu, Danfeng | proceedings paper | 2019 | |
Proper movement through Spec-CP: an argument from hyperraising in Mongolian | Suzana, Fong | Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics, 4(1), 30. | journal article | 2019 |
Knowledge of language and how it is put into use | Wu, Danfeng | Presented at CompLang on 3/14 | other | 2019 |
CiV Lengthening and the weight of CV | Steriade, Donca | in Bowler, Margit, Philip TMajor, Travis and Torrence, Harold (editors) Schuhschrift, Papers in Honor of Russell Schuh, University of California, | journal article | 2019 |
Templatic morphology through syntactic selection: Valency-changing extensions in Kinyarwanda | Banerjee, Neil | Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 4(1): 112. 131. | journal article | 2019 |
Why *"if or not" but ?"whether or not" | Wu, Danfeng | NELS 50 poster | poster | 2019 |
Cyclicity without containment in the Romanian perfects | Steriade, Donca | to appear in Adina Dragomirescu and Alexandru Nicolae (eds.) Papers from Going Romance 31 | journal article | 2019 |
Trouble with attitudes and the future | Banerjee, Neil | Proceedings of the 35th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. Wm. G. Bennett, Lindsay Hracs, and Dennis Ryan Storoshenko (eds.). 1-17. | proceedings paper | 2018 |
Featural definition of syntactic positions: evidence from hyper-raising | Fong, Suzana | Proceedings of the 2018 Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting | proceedings paper | 2018 |
A Revised Labeling Approach to Long-Distance Agreement | Miyagawa, Shigeru; Wu, Danfeng; Koizumi, Masatoshi | proceedings paper | 2018 | |
A copy-based approach to either in either... or... sentences. | Wu, Danfeng | NELS 49 poster | poster | 2018 |
Markedness vs. frequency as factors in base selection: English Latinate derivatives | Stanton, Juliet; Steriade, Donca | poster at the LSA | handout/slides | 2018 |
The Reduplicative System of Ancient Greek and a New Analysis of Attic Reduplication | Zukoff, Sam | Linguistic Inquiry 48 (3):459-497. | journal article | 2017 |
Some notes on Tagalog prosody and scrambling | Richards, Norvin | Glossa 2(1), 21 | journal article | 2017 |
Deriving Contiguity | Richards, Norvin | ms., MIT | unpublished manuscript | 2017 |
Contiguity Theory and pied-piping | Richards, Norvin | ms., MIT | unpublished manuscript | 2017 |
Nuclear stress and the life cycle of operators | Richards, Norvin | In Laura Bailey and Michelle Sheehan (eds.) Order and structure in syntax I: Word order and syntactic structure, pp. 217-240. Language Science Press, Berlin. | book chapter | 2017 |
Quantitative rhythm and Saussures Tribrach Law | Steriade, Donca | to appear in Brent Vine and David Goldstein (editors) Proceedings of the 28th annual Indo-European Conference, Hempen Verlag | proceedings paper | 2017 |
Prosodic Identity in Copy Epenthesis: Evidence for a Correspondence-based Approach | Stanton, Juliet; Zukoff, Sam | Natural Language & Linguistic Theory. | journal article | 2017 |
Indo-European Reduplication: Synchrony, Diachrony, and Theory | Zukoff, Sam | PhD Dissertation, MIT | dissertation | 2017 |
The Mirror Alignment Principle: Morpheme Ordering at the Morphosyntax-Phonology Interface | Zukoff, Sam | Papers on Morphology (MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 81), edited by Snejana Iovtcheva and Benjamin Storme, 105-124. Cambridge, MA: MITWPL | book chapter | 2017 |
Actually, Serial Template Satisfaction Does Predict Medial Coda Skipping in Reduplication | Zukoff, Sam | Supplemental proceedings of the 2016 Annual Meeting on Phonology, edited by Karen Jesney, Charlie O'Hara, Caitlin Smith, and Rachel Walker. Washington, DC: Linguistic Society of America | proceedings paper | 2017 |
Arabic Nonconcatenative Morphology and the Syntax-Phonology Interface | Zukoff, Sam | NELS 47: Proceedings of the Forty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society, edited by Andrew Lamont and Katerina Tetzloff, 3:295-314. Amherst, MA: Graduate Linguistics Student Association | proceedings paper | 2017 |
On evaluation metrics in Optimality Theory | Rasin, Ezer; Katzir, Roni | Linguistic Inquiry 47:2 | journal article | 2016 |
The morphome vs. similarity-based syncretism: Latin t-stem derivatives | Steriade, Donca | in Ana Luis and Ricardo Bermudez-Otero (eds.) The morphome debate, Oxford University Press | book chapter | 2016 |
Learnability shapes typology: the case of the midpoint pathology | Stanton, Juliet | Language 92.4, 753791 | journal article | 2016 |
Predicting distributional restrictions on prenasalized stops | Stanton, Juliet | Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 34.3, 10891133 | journal article | 2016 |
Wholesale Late Merger in A'-Movement: Evidence from Preposition Stranding | Stanton, Juliet | Linguistic Inquiry 47.1, 89126 | journal article | 2016 |
Effects of allophonic vowel nasalization on NC clusters: a contrast-based analysis | Stanton, Juliet | NELS 46: Proceedings of the 46th Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society, Volume 3, 193206. | proceedings paper | 2016 |
Prosodic effects of segmental correspondence | Stanton, Juliet; Zukoff, Sam | Proceedings of CLS 51 (2015), 501515 | proceedings paper | 2016 |
Contiguity Theory | Richards, Norvin | MIT Press, Cambridge, MA | book | 2016 |
How many ways are there to process a sentence? | Koring, Loes | handout/slides | 2016 | |
Stress Restricts Reduplication | Zukoff, Sam | Supplemental proceedings of the 2014 Annual Meeting on Phonology | proceedings paper | 2016 |
Wm. G. Bennett (2015). The Phonology of Consonants: Harmony, Dissimilation, and Correspondence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. xvii+394. | Stanton, Juliet | Phonology 33.3 | journal article | 2016 |
Accentual allomorphs in East Slavic: An argument for inflection dependence | Steriade, Donca; Yanovich, Igor | in Eulalia Bonet, Maria-Rosa Lloret, Joan Mascaro (eds.) Understanding Allomorphy, Equinox Press, pp. 254-313 | book chapter | 2015 |
Factorial typology and accentual faithfulness | Stanton, Juliet | Proceedings of the 32nd West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, 5463 | proceedings paper | 2015 |
Understanding different sources of information: the acquisition of evidentiality | Koring, Loes; De Mulder, Hannah | 2015 | journal article | 2015 |
Interfering causes in acquisition | Koring, Loes | handout/slides | 2015 | |
Who is the agent when it is left implicit? | Koring, Loes; Sangers, Nina; Wexler, Ken | handout/slides | 2015 | |
Definiteness as a trigger of idiomaticity | Koring, Loes | handout/slides | 2015 | |
The Phonology of Morpheme Realization in the Germanic Strong Preterites | Zukoff, Sam; Sandell, Ryan | Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society | proceedings paper | 2015 |
A cyclic factorial typology of Pama-Nyungan Stress | Stanton, Juliet | Supplemental Proceedings of the 2013 Meeting on Phonology | proceedings paper | 2014 |
The semantics and acquisition of non-embedding reportatives | Koring, Loes | handout/slides | 2014 | |
On the Origins of Attic Reduplication | Zukoff, Sam | Proceedings of the 25th UCLA Indo-European Conference | proceedings paper | 2014 |
Recursive Misrepresentations: a reply to Levinson (2013) | Legate, Julie; Pesetsky, David; Yang, Charles | Language 90.2, 515-528. (DOI: 10.1353/lan.2014.0034) | journal article | 2013 |
Phrasal Movement and its Discontents: Diseases and Diagnostics | Pesetsky, David | in Lisa L.L. Cheng and Norbert Corver (eds.) Diagnostics for Movement, Oxford University Press. (2013) , pp. 123-157. | book chapter | 2013 |
Russian Case Morphology and the Syntactic Categories | Pesetsky, David | MIT Press | book | 2013 |
Seemingly Similar: Subjects and displacement in grammar, processing, and acquisition | Koring, Loes | dissertation | 2013 | |
The cycle without containment: Latin perfect stems | Steriade, Donca | unpublished manuscript | 2012 | |
The Identity Thesis for Language and Music | Katz, Jonah; Pesetsky, David | submitted | unpublished manuscript | 2011 |
Case | Pesetsky, David; Torrego, Esther | in C. Boeckx, ed. Handbook of Linguistic Minimalism, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 52-72 | book chapter | 2011 |
Against taking linguistic diversity at '"face value" | Pesetsky, David | invited commentary on paper by Evans and Levinson. Brain and Behavioral Sciences 32.5, 464-5. | journal article | 2009 |
Evidence and Argumentation: a reply to Everett (2009) | Nevins, Andrew; Pesetsky, David; Rodrigues, Cilene | Language 85.3, 671-681 | journal article | 2009 |
Piraha Exceptionality: a Reassessment | Nevins, Andrew; Pesetsky, David; Rodrigues, Cilene | Language 85.2, 355-404 | journal article | 2009 |
The Phonology of Perceptibility Effects: the P-map and its consequences for constraint organization | Steriade, Donca | in Kristin Hanson and Sharon Inkelas (eds.) The Nature of the Word: Studies in Honor of Paul Kiparsky, pp. 151-79. | book chapter | 2009 |
Passive, Deponency and Tense: Comments on the Paper by Papangeli and Lavidas | Pesetsky, David | in S. Iatridou, ed. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics: Proceedings of the Workshop on Greek Syntax | book chapter | 2008 |
A pseudo-cyclic effect in Romanian morphophonology | Steriade, Donca | in Asaf Bachrach and Andrew Nevins (eds.) Inflectional Identity, Oxford University Press, pp. 313-358 | book chapter | 2008 |
Property Delay | Pesetsky, David | Theoretical Linguistics, 33.1, pp. 105-120 | journal article | 2007 |
The Syntax of Valuation and the Interpretability of Features | Pesetsky, David; Torrego, Esther | in S. Karimi, V. Samiian and W.Wilkins, eds. Phrasal and Clausal Architecture. Amsterdam: Benjamins | book chapter | 2007 |
Contrast | Steriade, Donca | in Paul de Lacy (ed.) The Cambridge Handbook of Phonology, Cambridge University Press, pp. 139-156 | book chapter | 2007 |
Perceptual repair and syllable structure | Steriade, Donca | ms. | unpublished manuscript | 2007 |
Probes, Goals and Syntactic Categories | Pesetsky, David; Torrego, Esther | in Yukio Otsu, ed. Proceedings of the 7th annual Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics. Tokyo: Hituzi Syobo Publishing Company. | proceedings paper | 2006 |
What we know about what we have never heard: Evidence from perceptual illusions | Berent, Iris; Steriade, Donca; Lennertz, Tracy; Vaknin, Vered | Cognition 104.3 (2007): 591-630 | journal article | 2006 |
Cyclic Linearization and its interaction with other aspects of grammar: a reply | Fox, Danny; Pesetsky, David | Theoretical Linguistics 31.1-2 (Special Issue on Object Shift). pp. 235-262 [reply to commentataries on Fox & Pesetsky 2005] | journal article | 2005 |
Cyclic Linearization of Syntactic Structure | Fox, Danny; Pesetsky, David | Theoretical Linguistics 31.1-45 | journal article | 2005 |
Tense, Case and the Nature of Syntactic Categories | Pesetsky, David; Torrego, Esther | book chapter | 2004 | |
Introduction: the phonetic bases of phonological markedness | Hayes, Bruce; Steriade, Donca | in Bruce Hayes, Robert Kirchner and Donca Steriade (eds.) Phonetically Based Phonology, Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-33 | book chapter | 2004 |
Knowledge of perceptual similarity and its phonological uses: evidence from half-rhymes | Steriade, Donca | Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Barcelona: Causal Productions. Vol. 363366. 2003. | proceedings paper | 2003 |
Knowledge of similarity and narow lexical override | Steriade, Donca | in Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society (Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 583-598). | proceedings paper | 2003 |
How should reading be taught? | Ratner, Keith; Foorman, Barbara R.; Perfetti, Charles A.; Pesetsky, David; Seidenberg, Mark S. | Scientific American (March 1 2002) | journal article | 2002 |
How Psychological Science Informs the Teaching of Reading | Rayner, Keith; Foorman, Barbara R.; Perfetti, Charles A.; Pesetsky, David; Seidenberg, Mark S. | Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 2:2 | journal article | 2002 |
The syllable | Steriade, Donca | In W. Frawley (ed.) 2002, Oxford Encyclopedia of Linguistics | book chapter | 2002 |
T-to-C Movement: Causes and Consequences | Pesetsky, David; Torrego, Esther | M. Kenstowicz (ed.) Ken Hale: A Life in Language. Cambridge: MIT Press, pp. 355-426 | book chapter | 2001 |
Directional asymmetries in place assimilation: a perceptual account | Steriade, Donca | in Elizabeth Hume and Keith Johnson (eds.) Perception in Phonology, Academic Press 219-250 | book chapter | 2001 |
The Phonology of Perceptibility Effects: the P-map and its consequences for constraint organization | Steriade, Donca | (In Microsoft Word format) | unpublished manuscript | 2001 |
Paradigm uniformity and the phonetics/phonology boundary, | Steriade, Donca | in J.Pierrehumbert and M.Broe (eds.) Papers in Laboratory Phonology vol. 6 CUP, pp. 313-334 | book chapter | 2000 |
Lexical conservatism and the notion base of affixation | Steriade, Donca | Manuscript | unpublished manuscript | 2000 |
Directional asymmetries in place assimilation: a perceptual account | Steriade, Donca | in E.Hume and K.Johnson (eds.) Perception in Phonology, Academic Press | book | 2000 |
Paradigm Uniformity and the Phonetics/Phonology Boundary | Steriade, Donca | in J.Pierrehumbert and M.Broe (eds.) Papers in Laboratory Phonology vol. 6, Cambridge Univ.Press | journal article | 2000 |
Alternatives to the syllabic interpretation of consonantal phonotactics | Steriade, Donca | in O.Fujimura, B.Joseph and B.Palek (eds) Proceedings of the 1998 Linguistics and Phonetics Conference, The Karolinum Press, pp. 205-242 | book chapter | 1999 |
Lexical Conservatism | Steriade, Donca | in Linguistics in the Morning Calm, Selected Papers from SICOL 1997, Linguistic Society of Korea, Hanshin Publishing House, pp. 157-179 | proceedings paper | 1999 |
Alternatives to the syllabic interpretation of consonantal phonotactics | Steriade, Donca | in O.Fujimura B.Joseph and B.Palek (eds.) Proceedings of the 1998 Linguistics and Phonetics Conference, The Karolinum Press, 205-242 | proceedings paper | 1999 |
Lexical Conservatism in French Adjectival Liaison | Steriade, Donca | in B.Bullock, M. Authier and L. Reed (eds.) Formal Perspectives in Romance Linguistics, John Benjamins, pp. 243-270 | book chapter | 1999 |
Au del de la syllabe : le rle des informations articulatoires stockes dans le lexique pour l'analyse de la chute de schwa | Steriade, Donca; Fougeron, Ccile | in Sophie Wauquier-Graveli (ed.) Journes d'tudes linguistiques: la syllabe sous tous ses aspects. Universit de Nantes | journal article | 1999 |
Phonetics in phonology: the case of laryngeal neutralization | Steriade, Donca | unpublished manuscript | 1997 | |
Phonetics in phonology: the case of laryngeal neutralization | Steriade, Donca | Manuscript | unpublished manuscript | 1997 |
Does deletion of French schwa lead to neutralization of lexical distinctions? | Steriade, Donca; Fougeron, Ccile | in Euro-Speech 1997, Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, University of Patras, vol. 7, p. 943-937 | proceedings paper | 1997 |
Markedness and Underspecification | Steriade, Donca | John Goldsmith (ed.) The handbook of phonological theory (1995): pp. 114-175. | book chapter | 1995 |
Complex Onsets and Single Segments: the Mazateco Pattern | Steriade, Donca | in Kisseberth, Charles W., and Jennifer S. Cole, eds. Perspectives in phonology. Center for the Study of Language and Information, 1994. | book chapter | 1994 |
Contrastive Gesture | Steriade, Donca | text of talk given at NELS 1994 | unpublished manuscript | 1994 |
Lexical Conservatism | Steriade, Donca | in Linguistics in the Morning Calm, Selected Papers from SICOL 1997, Linguistic Society of Korea, Hanshin Publishing House, pp157-179 | proceedings paper | 1994 |
Closure, release and nasal contours | Steriade, Donca | book chapter | 1993 | |
Orality and Markedness | Steriade, Donca | in Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society: General Session and Parasession on Semantic Typology and Semantic Universals (1993), pp. 334-347 | proceedings paper | 1993 |
Segments, contours and clusters | Steriade, Donca | in An. Crochetiere, J.-C. Boulanger, C. Ouellon (eds.) Actes du XVe Congres International des Linguistes, Quebec, Universite Laval, 9-14 Aout 1992 | proceedings paper | 1992 |
Moras and other slots | Steriade, Donca | Proceedings of the Formal Linguistics Society of MidAmerica 1, pp. 254-280. | journal article | 1991 |
Gestures and autosegments | Steriade, Donca | in M.Beckman and J.Kingston (eds.) Papers in Laboratory Phonology, Cambridge University Press, pp. 382-397 | book chapter | 1990 |
Review of CV Phonology: A generative theory of the syllable. By GEORGE N. CLEMENTS and SAMUEL JAY KEYSER. (Linguistic Inquiry monograph 9.) Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1983 | Steriade, Donca | Language, Vol. 64, No. 1 (Mar., 1988), pp. 118-129 | journal article | 1988 |
Greek Accent: A Case for Preserving Structure | Steriade, Donca | Linguistic Inquiry, Vol. 19, No. 2 (Spring, 1988), pp. 271-314 | journal article | 1988 |
Reduplication and Syllable Transfer in Sanskrit and Elsewhere | Steriade, Donca | Phonology, Vol. 5, No. 1 (1988), pp. 73-155 | journal article | 1988 |
Gemination and the Proto-Romance Syllable Shift | Steriade, Donca | in D.Birdsong and J.P.Montreuil (eds.) Advances in Romance Linguistics, Foris, pp. 382-397 | book chapter | 1988 |
Redundant Values | Steriade, Donca | Chicago Linguistics Society, 23, pp. 339-362 | journal article | 1987 |
On Geminates | Schein, Barry; Steriade, Donca | Linguistic Inquiry, Vol. 17, No. 4 (Autumn, 1986), pp. 691-744 | journal article | 1986 |
Yokuts and the vowel plane | Steriade, Donca | Linguistic Inquiry, Vol. 17, No. 1 (Winter, 1986), pp. 129-146 | journal article | 1986 |
Glides and Vowels in Romanian | Steriade, Donca | in C.Brugmann (ed) Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society 1984 Oct 17 (Vol. 10, pp. 47-64). | proceedings paper | 1984 |
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