MIT Linguistics and Philosophy
77 Massachusetts Avenue, 32-D808
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
- Danny Fox and Roni Katzir, Large Language Models and Theoretical Linguistics, Theoretical Linguistics, 2024
- Moshe E. Bar-Lev, Danny Fox, On fatal competition and the nature of distributive inferences, January 2023
- Aravind et. al, Principles of Presupposition in Development, 2022. Linguistics and Philosophy
- Asherov, Fox and Katzir, The Only-Implicature Generalization and its relevance for theories of pragmatics, 2022
- Pointwise Exhaustification and the Semantics of Question Embedding
- Fox and Katzir, Notes on iterated rationality models of scalar implicatures, 2020.
- Bar-Lev and Fox, Free choice, simplification, and Innocent Inclusion, 2020, Natural Language Semantics
- Partition by Exhaustification: towards a solution to Gentile and Schwarz's Puzzle
- Partition by Exhaustification: comments on Dayal 1996 2018. SuB
- Fox and Spector Economy and Embedded Exhaustification 2018. Natural Language Semantics
- Embedded Late Merge and the Theory of Displacement 2017.
- Bar-Lev and Fox Universal Free Choice and Innocent Inclusion 2017. SALT
- Singh, Wexler, Children Interpret Disjunction as Conjunction. 2016. Natural Language Semantics , Kamawar, and Fox
- Fox and Johnson. QR IS Restrictor Sharing. 2015. WCCFL
- Scalar Implicatures of Embedded Disjunction. 2015. Natural Language Semantics , Chemla and Fox,
- Cancelling the Maxim of Quantity: another challenge for a Gricean Theory of Scalar Implicatures. 2014. Semantics and Pragmatics
- Presupposition projection from Quantificational Sentences: trivalence, local accommodation, and presupposition strengthening. Draft of paper that appeared in From Grammar to Meaning
- von Fintel, Fox and Iatridou, Definiteness as maximal informativeness. Abstract for GLOW 35 at the University of Potsdam.
- Sudo, Romoli, Hackl and Fox, Presupposition projection out of quantified sentences: strengthening, local accommodation and inter-speaker variation. to appear in Maria Aloni et al. Logic, Language and Meaning (selected papers from the Proceedings of the 18th Amsterdam colloquium)
- Breakstone, Cremers, Fox and Hackl, On the analysis of scope ambiguities in comparative constructions: converging evidence from real-time sentence processing and offline data. to appear in the proceedings of SALT 21
- Fox and Katzir, On the Characterization of Alternatives
- Chierchia, Fox, and Spector "The Grammatical View of Scalar Implicatures and the Relationship between Semantics and Pragmatics", to appear in Handbook of Semantics, Paul Portner, Claudia Maienborn et Klaus von Heusinger (Eds), Mouton de Gruyter.
- "Two short notes on Schlenker's theory of presupposition projection", to appear in Theoretical Linguistics
- "Too Many Alternatives: density, symmetry, and other predicaments" to appear in the proceedings of SALT 17.
- Free Choice Disjunction and the Theory of Scalar Implicatures (2006)
- Takahashi and Fox (2005) "Max Elide and the Re-binding Problem," to appear in the proceedings of SALT.
- The Universal Density of Measurement (with Martin Hackl, Pomona College)
- Cyclic Linearization of Syntactic Structure (with David Pesetsky, MIT; 2004)
- [to appear, Theoretical Linguistics, special issue on Object Shift in Scandinavian; Katalin É. Kiss, ed.]
- Note: this paper contains about 1/3 of the material that will form part of a monograph, in prep. For the remaining 2/3, the best current source is the lengthy handout below.
- "Cyclic Linearization and the Typology of Movement" (with David Pesetsky, MIT) [handout]
- Related work:
- "Cyclic Linearization and Asymmetry in Scrambling" by Heejeong Ko
- "Pseudo-gapping and Cyclic Linearization" by Shoichi Takahashi
Other Publications
- Danny Fox, 2003. On Logical Form, in Randall Hendrick's Minimalist Syntax, Blackwell.
- Danny Fox and Jon Nissenbaum, 2004.Condition A and Scope Reconstruction., in Linguistic Inquiry. 35,3: 474-485.
- Danny Fox and Howard Lasnik. 2003. Successive Cyclic Movement and Island Repair: The Difference Between Sluicing and VP Ellipsis, in Linguistic Inquiry. 34,1: 143-154.
- Danny Fox 2002. Antecedent Contained Deletion and the Copy Theory of Movement, in Linguistic Inquiry. 33,1: 63-96.
- Danny Fox and Jon Nissenbaum. 1999. Extraposition and Scope: A case for overt QR. WCCFl 18.
- Danny Fox. 1999. Focus, Parallelism and Accommodation. SALT 9.
- Danny Fox and John Nissenbaum, 2003, VP Ellipsis and the Position of Adverbs, Snippets.
- Papers incorporated into Economy and Semantic Interpretation (ESI)
- Danny Fox. 1995. Economy and Scope. draft of paper in Natural Language Semantics.3, 3: 283-341.
- (For a more complete picture see chapters 2 and 3 of ESI.)
- Danny Fox. 1995. Condition C and ACD. draft of paper in MITWPL 27.
- (For a more complete picture see chapter 6 of ESI; for a different approach to the problem see my recent paper on Antecednt Contained Deletion and the Copy Theory of Movement.)
- Danny Fox. 1995. Locality in Variable Binding. draft of paper in Is the Best Good Enough
- (The same paper with minor modifications appears in ESI, chapter 4.)
- Danny Fox. 1994. Economy Scope and Semantic Interpretation - Evidence from VP Ellipsis. in NELS 25.
- (For a more complete picture see chapters 2 and 3 of ESI)
Older papers
- Danny Fox and Uli Sauerland. 1995. Scope Illusions. NELS 26.
- Danny Fox. 1994. Relative Clauses and Resumptive Pronouns in Hebrew.
- Danny Fox. 1993. Chain and Binding - A modification of Reinhart & Reuland's reflexivity.
- Structural Isomorphism modulo co-valuation: another look at Dahl’s many pronouns puzzle, Ellipsis seminar series, May 2022
- Pied-Piping and Covert Movement: evidence from parasitic gap licensing, Workshop in Honor of Shigeru Miyagawa, October 18, 2018
- Notes on the Proviso Problem 2018-2022
- Comments on Križ 2018
- Fox and Johnson, Quantifier Raising and Restrictor Sharing (with some semantics) 2016
- Exhaustivity as Cell Identification (#1)
- On why ignorance might be part of literal meaning – commentary on Marie Christine Meyer MIT Workshop on Exhaustivity, September 2016
- "Extraposition and Scope: evidence for embedded Late Merge," 2nd graduate student workshop in memory of Tanya Reinhart, Tel-Aviv University, April 2014.
- Mention some readings of questions, MIT, February 2013
- Lectures on the semantics of questions, MIT, September 2012
- "Presupposition Projection, Trivalence and Relevance" class presentation based on earlier talks at UCONN and UMD
- "Negative Islands and Maximization Failure," Colloquium, MIT, 2010. (Earlier version presented at Glow 2009)
- "Logic, Language and Modularity," LINGUISTICS PHENOTYPES, BANBURY CENTER, MAY 2010
- "Economy and Embedded Exhaustification" (wtih B. Spector), Cornell, 2009
- "Rightward Movement, Covert Movement, and Cyclic Linearization," (with D. Pesetsky), Ben-Gurion University, 2009
- Implicatures and Exhaustivity. These are handouts I used for a short seminar at USC (November 04). The material was first presented in a joint seminar that I taught with Irene Heim at MIT (Fall 04). Class 5, in particular, builds on Irene's discussion of various theories of the meanings of the exhaustive operator, only.
- Imlicature calculation, syntax or pragmatics, or both, Universidad del País Vasco, Basque Country, May 2004 (contains stuff from the Yale talk below + recent work with Martin Hackl on comparatives and degree questions).
- "Cyclic Linearization and the Typology of Movement" (with David Pesetsky, MIT) [handout]
- Paper now available: Cyclic Linearization of Syntactic Structure (with David Pesetsky, MIT; 2004)
[Appeared in, Theoretical Linguistics, special issue on Object Shift in Scandinavian; Katalin É. Kiss, ed.] - Note: this paper contains about 1/3 of the material that will form part of a monograph, in prep. For the remaining 2/3, the best current source is the talk handout.
- The Syntax and Semantics of Traces, UConn, November 2001. A version of this presented as an argument for the existence of traces: The Interpretation of Quantificational Structures -- evidence for the copy theory of traces, Workshop on Direct Compositionality, Brown University, June 2003.
- Condition B: A note on Jacobson's paper, Workshop on Direct Compositionality, Brown University, June 2003.
- Implicature Calculation, only, and lumping: another look at the puzzle of disjunction, Yale University, November 2003 (An earlier version of this talk titled "The Interpretation of Scalar Items: semantics, or pragmatics, or both", was given at UT Austin, and McGill)
- Extraposition and Covert Movement, NYU, February 2000, joint work with Jon Nissenbaum, earlier versions of this material appeared in the proceedings of WCCFL (1999).
- Fox, Danny. To appear. Exhaustivity as Cell Identification. .
- Fox, Danny. To appear. Exhaustivity as Cell Identification (#1). .
- ,. To appear. Exhaustivity as Cell Identification (#2). .