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Professor of Brain & Cognitive Science

MIT Linguistics and Philosophy
77 Massachusetts Avenue, 32-D808
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

Syntax, Semantics, Language Acquisition
  • "Some issues in the growth of control." In R.K. Larson, S. Iatridou, U. Lahiri and J. Higginbotham (eds.), Control and Grammar, 253-295, 1992.
  • (with Hagit Borer) "Bi-unique relations and the maturation of grammatical principles." Natural language and Linguistic Theory 10, 147-189, 1992.
  • (with Sergey Avrutin) "Development of principle B in Russian: Coindexation at LF and coreference." Language Acquisition 2:4, 259-306, 1992.
  • "The subset principle is an intensional principle." In E. Reuland and W. Abraham (eds.), Knowledge and Language: Orwell's Problem and Plato's problem, 1993.
  • (with N. Hyams) "On the grammatical basis of null subjects in child language." Linguistic Inquiry 24:3, 421-459.
  • (with D. Poeppel) "The full competence hypothesis of clause structure in early German." Language, 69:1, 1-33, 1993.
  • "Optional Infinitives, head movement and the economy of derivations." In D. Lightfoot and N. Hornstein (eds.), Verb Movement, 305-382, 1993.
  • (with Y-C. Chien and H-W. Chang) "Children's development of long-distance binding in Chinese." Journal of East Asian Linguistics 2, 229-259, l993.
  • (with Y. Godzinsky, Y-C. Chien, S. Marakovitz, J. Solomon) "The breakdown of binding relations." Brain and Language 45, 396-422, 1993.
  • (with E. Gibson) "Triggers." Linguistic Inquiry 25:3, 407-454, 1994.
  • (with Mabel Rice) "Extended optional infinitive (EOI) account of Specific Language Impairment." In D. MacLaughlin and S. McEwen (eds.), Proceedings of BUCLD 19, 451-462, 1995.
  • (with Mabel Rice and Patricia Cleave) "Specific language impairment as a period of extended optional infinitives." Journal of Speech and Hearing Research 38, 850-863, 1995.
  • (with Mabel Rice) "Tense over time: The persistence of optional infinitives in English in children with SLI." Paper resented at the 20th Annual BUCLD. Nov. 1995.
  • (with J. Rhee) "Optional infinitives in Hebrew." MITWPL 26, 383-402, 1995.
  • (with C. Phillips, A. Marantz, M. McGinnes, D. Pesetsky, E. Yellin, D.. Poeppel, T. Roberts, H. Rowley.) "Brain mechanisms of speech perception: A preliminary report." MITWPL 26, 153-191, 1996.
  • (with K. Broihier) "Children's acquisition of control in temporal adjuncts." MITWPL 26, 193-220, 1996.
  • (with D. Poeppel, E. Yellin, C. Phillips, T.P.L. Roberts, H.A. Rowley, A. Marantz) "Task-induced asymmetry of the auditory evoked M100 neuromagnetic field elicited by speech sounds." Cognitive Brain Research 4, 231-242, l996.
  • (with Mabel Rice) "Toward Tense as a Clinical Marker of Specific Language Impairment in English-speaking Children." Journal or Speech and Hearing Research 39, 1239-1257, l996.
  • (with S. Bertolo, K. Broihier, and E. Gibson) "Characterizing learnabilty conditions for cue-based learners in parametric language systems." Ms., Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT, 1997.
  • (with S. Bertolo, K. Broihier, and E. Gibson) "Cue-based learners in parametric language systems: application of general results to a recently proposed learning algorithm based on unambiguous 'superparsing'." Ms., Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT, 1997.
  • "The genetic basis for the development of tense: A preliminary report on a twin study." Ms., Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT, 1997.
  • (with Mabel Rice) "Highly specified and long-term grammatical deficits appear in childresn with language impairments." Ms., Department of Brain adn Cognitive Sciences, MIT, 1997.
  • (with David Pesetsky and Victoria Fromkin) "Acquiring Language." Science 276, May 23, 1997.
  • (with Mabel Rice and Karla Haney) "Family Histories of children with SLI who show extend optional infinitives." JSLHR 41, 419-432, 1998.
  • (with M. Babyonyshev, R. Fein, J. Ganger, and D. Pesetsky) "The maturation of grammatical principles: Evidence from Russian Unaccusatives." Ms., 1998.
  • (with Stephen Crain) "Maturatrion and growth of grammar." In W.C. Ritchie and T.K. Bhatia (eds.), Handbook of Language Acquisition, Academic Press, 1998.
  • "Methodology in the study of language acquisition: A modular approach." In W.C. Ritchie and T.K. Bhatia (eds.), Handbook of Language Acquisition, Academic Press, 1998.
  • (with Jeanne Schaeffer and Gerard Bol) "Verbal syntax and morphology in Dutch normal and SLI children." Paper presented at the IATL - Israel Conference, June 1998.
  • (with Mabel Rice and Sean Redmond) "Comprehension of an extended optional ininitive grammar: Evidence from English-speaking children with SLI." (Submitted)
  • "Very early parameter setting and the unique checking constraint: A new explanation of the optional infinitive stage." Linqua 106, 1998.
  • "Very early parameter setting and the unique checking constraint: A new explanation of the optional infinitive stage." In A. Sorace. et al (eds.), Language Acquisition: Knowledge Representation and Processing, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1998.
  • (with Mabel Rice and Scott Hershberger) "Tense over time: The longitudinal course of tense acquisition in children with SLI." JSLHR, in press.
  • (with Sergey Avrutin) "Children's knowledge of subjunctive clauses: Obviation, binding and reference." Language Acquisition, in press.
  • "Acquisition of syntax." MIT Encyclopedia of Cognitive Sciences, MIT Press, in press.
  • "The innateness of language." MIT Encyclopedia of Cognitive Sciences, MIT Press, in press.