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Phonology, Morphology, Poetics, Slavic Languages
  • (with S. Bromberger) "The Ontology of Phonology." In S. Bromberger, On What We Know We Don't Know. 209-228, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992.
  • (with A. Marantz) "Distributed Morphology and the Pieces of Inflection." In K. Hale and S. J. Keyser (eds) The View from Building 20: Essays in Linguistics in Honor of Sylvain Bromberger. 111-176, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1993.
  • (with A. Marantz) "Some Key Features of Distributed Morphology", MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, 21, 275-288, 1994.
  • (with W. J. Idsardi) "A Reanalysis of Indonesian Stress," MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, 21, 1-9, 1994.
  • "The Morphology of Numeral Phrases," in S. Avrutin, S. Franks, and L. Progovac, eds. Annual Workshop of Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics: The MIT Meeting 1993 Michigan Slavic Publications, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 1994, pp. 178-215.
  • (with W. Idsardi) "General Properties of Stress and Metrical Structure," in E.S. Ristad, ed. Language Computation DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 17. American Mathematical Society, Providence RI, pp. 37-69. Also in J. Goldsmith, ed. The Handbook of Phonological Theory, Blackwell, Oxford-Cambridge MA, 1994, pp. 403-443.
  • "Feature Geometry and Feature Spreading," Linguistic Inquiry 26, 1-46, 1995.
  • "The Russian Declension: An Illustration of the Theory of Distributed Morphology," in J. Cole and C. Kisseberth, eds., Perspectives in Phonology, CSLI Publications, Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford, CA. 1994, pp. 29-60.
  • "Comments on Luigi Burzio's 'The rise of optimality theory', (GLOT 1,6)," GLOT International 1, 9/10, 27-28, 1995.
  • "Some consequences of the representation of words in memory," Lingua 100, 91-100, 1997.
  • "On Stress and Accent in Indo-European," Language 73, 275-313, 1997.
  • (with S. Bromberger) "The Content of the Phonological Sign: A Comparison between their Use in Derivational Theories and Optimality Theories," in I. Roca, ed., 1997, Derivations and Constraints in Phonology Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 93-123.
  • (with W. Idsardi) "r, Hypercorrection and the Elsewhere Condition," in I. Roca, ed., 1997, Derivations and Constraints in Phonology Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 331-348.
  • "Distributed Morphology: Impoverishment and Fission," MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, 30, 425-449, 1997. Also in J. Lecarme, J. Lowenstein, U. Shlonsky, eds. 2000. Research in Afroasiatic Grammar: Papers from the Third Conference on Afroasiatic Languages, Sophia Antipolis France, 1996. John Benjamins Publishing Co. Amsterdam/Philadelphia, pp. 125-151.
  • "Metrical Verse in the Psalms." In Dick van der Meij (ed.), India and Beyond: Aspects of Literature, Meaning, Ritual and Thought. Essays in Honor of Frits Staal, International Institute for Asian Studies: Leiden -- Kegan Paul International: London, 207-225, 1997.
  • "The Stress of English Words 1968-1998," Linguistic Inquiry 29, 539-568, 1997.
  • (with Bert Vaux and Andrew Wolfe) "On Feature Spreading and the Representation of Place of Articulation," Linguistic Inquiry, 31, 387-444, 2000.
  • (with William J. Idsardi) "Stress and Length in Hixkaryana," The Linguistic Review 17, 199- 218, 2000.
  • "Infixation versus Onset Metathesis in Tagalog, Chamorro, and Toba Batak," in Michael Kenstowicz, ed., Ken Hale: A Life in Language, MIT Press: Cambridge, MA 2001, pp. 153-168.
  • "On Accent, Stress and Quantity in West Slavic," Lingua 111, 791-810, 2001.
  • From Memory to Speech and Back: Papers on Phonetics and Phonology 1954-2002. Mouton de Gruyter : Berlin 2002. Includes Introduction (pp. 1-17) written especially for the volume.
  • (with Nigel Fabb) "Meter in Poetry". Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2008.