MIT Linguistics and Philosophy
77 Massachusetts Avenue, 32-D808
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
- 2024: Vowel harmony in Chukotko-Kamchatkan languages. Michael Kenstowicz. Ritter, Nancy & Harry van der Hulst (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Vowel Harmony. Oxford University Press, pp. 824-831.
- 2024: Vowel harmony in classical Generative Phonology. Charles Kisseberth & Michael Kenstowicz. Ritter, Nancy & Harry van der Hulst (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Vowel Harmony. Oxford University Press, pp. 344-359.
- 2024: Vowel harmony in pre-Generative Phonology. Michael Kenstowicz. Ritter, Nancy & Harry van der Hulst (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Vowel Harmony. Oxford University Press, pp. 331-343.
- 2024: Palatal harmony. Charles Kisseberth & Michael Kenstowicz. Ritter, Nancy & Harry van der Hulst (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Vowel Harmony. Oxford University Press, pp. 49-60.
- 2024: Phonetic correlates of the qù and rù tones in Èzhōu Húběi Mandarin, Michael J. Kenstowicz and Mengwei Yu. Nanfang Linguistics 23, 1-17.
- 2024: Lóngyóu tones and tone sandhi, Chen, Sherry Yong and Michael J. Kenstowicz. Journal of East Asian Linguistics.
- 2023: A Note on the Svarabhakti Vowels in Connemara Irish, In Florian Breit, Yuko Yoshida, and Connor Youngberg (eds.). Elements, Government and Licensings: Developments in phonology. University College London Press, 185-196.
- 2022: Split of the Middle Chinese falling (qù) tone in Èzhōu (Húběi) Mandarin, with Mengwei Yu. Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan 26:1, 27-42.
- 2022: The Sound Pattern of English and early generative phonology, B. Elan Dresher & Harry van der Hulst, eds. The Oxford History of Phonology, Oxford University Press, pp. 396-415.
- 2022: Phonological derivation in early generative phonology, with Charles W. Kisseberth. B. Elan Dresher & Harry van der Hulst, eds. The Oxford History of Phonology, Oxford University Press, pp. 419-439.
- 2021: Phonetic correlates of the Javanese voicing contrast in stop consonants, NUSA 70: 1-37.
- 2019: The analysis of truncated vocatives in Taviano (Salentino) Italian, Catalan Journal of Linguistics 18, 131-159.
- 2018: The phonology and phonetics of laryngeal stop contrasts in Assamese, Hemanga Dutta and Michael Kenstowicz. Roberto Petrosino, Pietro Corrone, and Harry van der Hulst, eds. From Sounds to Structures: Beyond the Veil of Maya, DeGruyter Mouton, pp. 30-64.
- 2018: Pitch accent in Korean, (with Chiyuki Ito), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics, Mark Aronoff ed. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780199384655.013.242.
- 2017: A note on the phonology and phonetics of CR, RC, and SC consonant clusters in Italian, Linguistic travels in time and space: Festschrift for Liz Pearce,Wellington Working Papers in Linguistics Volume 23, Edited by Heidi Quinn, Diane Massam, and Lisa Matthewson.
- 2017: The Lexical Accent of Surnames in Kyengsang Korean: A Study in Analogy (With Hyangsook Sohn), to appear in Journal of Asian and African Studies, vol. 94.</li
- 2015: Duration Reflexes of Syllable Structure in Mandarin (With Fei Wu), Lingua 164, 87-99
- 2014: Ablaut in Dinka nouns: a preliminary study Fleur de Ling, Tulane University Working Papers in Linguistics 1, 83-91.
- 2014: The base of Korean noun paradigms: evidence from tone (With Youngah Do and Chiyuki Ito; to appear in Korean Linguistics 16
- 2014: Accent Classes in South Kyengsang Korean: Lexical Drift, Novel Words, and Loanwords (with Youngah Do and Chiyuki Ito, Lingua 148, 147-182.
- 2013: The Adaptation of Contemporary Japanese Loanwords in Korean (with Chiyuki Ito). Japanese/Korean Linguistics 22.
- 2013: Realize Morpheme. To appear in Studies in Kaqchikel Grammar, MIT Working Papers on Endangered and Less Familiar Languages 8.
- 2012: To appear in special issue on Loanword Phonology, Catalan Journal of Linguistics, Cantonese Loanwords: Conflicting Faithfulness in VC Rime Constraints
- 2011: A Note on Phonological Phrasing in South Kyungsang
- 2011: Vocale Incerta, Vocale Aperta A preliminary version of this paper was presented at the MIT Phonology Circle and the 40th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages, University of Washington (March 2010).
- 2010: Loanword Phonology and Enhancement. (with Kang, Young-Se et al.) eds. Lectures on Universal Grammar and Individual Languages. Seoul International Conference on Linguistics, pp. 104-112.
- 2009: Reverse Engineering: Emphatic Consonants and the Adaptation of Vowels in French Loanwords into Moroccan Arabic. (with Nabila Louriz). Brill’s Annual of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics 1. 41–74.
- August 2009: On the Origin of Tonal Classes in Kinande Noun Stems. Studies in African Linguistics Volume 37, Number 2
- June 2009. Mandarin Loanwords in Yanbian Korean II: Tones. (with Chiyuki Ito). Language Research 45.1, 85-109.
- December 2008. Mandarin Adaptations of Coda Nasals in English Loanwords. (with Feng-fan Hsieh and Xiaomin Mou). To appear in Loan Phonology: Issues and Controversies ed. by Andrea Calabrese & Leo Wetzels, Benjamins. 2009.
- 2008. "Mandarin loanwords in Yanbian Korean 1: laryngeal features" (with Chiyuki Ito). Submitted to Phonological Studies 13, Linguistic Society of Japan.
- July 2008. Two Notes on Kinande Vowel Harmony. Language Sciences.
- March 2008. Hybrid Loans: a Study of English Loanwords Transmitted to Korean via Japanese. (with Yoonjung Kang and Chiyuki Ito).
- November 2007. Phonetic Knowledge in Tonal Adaptation: Mandarin and English Loanwords in Lhasa Tibetan. (with Feng-fan Hsieh)
- September 2007. Paradigmatic Uniformity and Contrast: Korean Liquid Stems. (with Hyangsook Sohn). To appear in Phonological Studies 2008 vol. 11, Phonological Society of Japan.
- January 2007. Contrasts, Mergers, and Acquisitions in Kyungsang Accent. (with Hyesun Cho and Jieun Kim). To appear in Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics.
- July 2006. Laryngeal features and tone in Kyungsang Korean: a phonetic study. (with Chiyoun Park). To appear in Studies in Phonetics, Phonology and Morphology.
- May 2006. The adaptation of Japanese loanwords into Korean. (with Chiyuki Ito and Yoonjung Kang). To appear in Studies in Loanword Phonology (MITWPL 52), edited by Feng-fan Hsieh and Michael Kenstowicz.
- 2005. The phonetics and phonology of Korean loanword adaptation. To appear in S-J. Rhee, ed. Proceedings of First European Conference on Korean Linguistics.
- 2005. Verbal tone in Buli: a morphosyntactic analysis. To appear in S. Kaji, ed. Cross-linguistic Study of Tonal Phenomena.
- 2004. Generative Phonology. To appear in Encyclopedia of language & Linguistics, 2nd Ed. Elsevier.
- 2004. Issues in loanword adaptation: a case study from Thai. (with Atiwong Suchato). Submitted to Lingua
- 2004. Tone loans. Paper from 78th LSA and 33rd ACAL.
- 2003. Tone in Buli. Studies in African Linguistics 31, 55-96 (with George Akanlig-Pare)
- 2003. Salience and similarity in loanword adaptation: a case study from Fijian. To appear in Language Sciences
Research Reports
- 2002. Statistical generalizations in the distribution of stress in Italian and Spanish verbs. (with Kie Zuraw)
- 1994. Two notes on Igbo vowels. (with Peter Ihiunu)
Earlier Papers
- 2003. Salience and Similarity in Loanword Adaptation: a Case Study from Fijian.
- (with Hyang-Sook Sohn) 2001. "Accentual Adaptation in North Kyungsang Korean", Ken Hale: A life in language, Michael Kenstowicz (ed.), MIT Press.
- 2001. "The role of perception in loanword phonology". To appear in Linguistique africaine.
- (with Elsa Gómez-Imbert) 2000. "Barasana Tone and Accent", International Journal of American Linguistics 66, 419-63.
- 2000. "Paradigmatic uniformity and contrast". To appear in MIT Working Papers in Linguistics vol. xx
- (with Mahasen Abu-Mansour and Miklos Torkenczy) 2000. "Two notes on laryngeal licensing". To appear in Living on the Edge: Phonological Essays Commemorating the Radical Career of Jonathan Kaye, edited by Stefan Ploch and Geoff Williams.
- 1997. "Sonority Driven Stress"
- The following papers are available at the Rutgers Optimality Archive
- 1998. "Uniform Exponence: Exemplification and Extension"
- 1996. "Base-Identity and Uniform Exponence: Alternatives to Cyclicity"
- 1995. (with Thomas Green) "The Lapse Constraint"
- 1994. "Sonority-Driven Stress"
- 1994. "Syllabification in Chuckchee: a Constraint-based Analysis"
Older Publications
- 1997. "Base identity and uniform exponence: alternatives to cyclicity." In J. Durand & B. Laks, eds., Current Trends in Phonology: Models and Methods. Salford: University of Salford, 363-394
- 1997. (with Hyang-Sook Sohn) "Focus and phrasing in Northern Kyungsang Korean." In P-M. Bertinetto, ed., Certamen Phonologicum III. Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier, 137-156, 1997. Also in MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 30, 25-47
- 1997. "Quality-sensitive stress." Rivista di Linguistica 9.1, 157-188
- 1997. "Uniform exponence: extension and exemplification." In V. Miglio & B. Moren, eds., Selected papers from the Hopkins Optimality Workshop 1997, University of Maryland Working papers in Linguistics 5, 139-54, Revised version to appear in Bolletino della Societa Linguistica Italiana.
- 1994. Phonology in Generative Grammar. Oxford: Blackwell Publications
- (with Degif Petros) "Reduplicative Identity in Chaha." Linguistic Inquiry 30, 573-586.
- "Paradigmatic uniformity and contrast." Submitted to MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 36
- 1993. Evidence for Metrical Constituency. Ken Hale and Samuel Jay Keyser, eds., The View from Building 20, 257-273.
My Dissertation
- 1971. Lithuanian Phonology. Michael Kenstowicz. University of Illinois Ph.D. dissertation
- Kenstowicz, Michael; Sohn, Hyangsook. To appear. The Lexical Accent of Surnames in Kyengsang Korean: A Study in Analogy. To appear in Journal of Asian and African Studies, vol. 94, 2017.