Course #Title (link to subject webpage)Instructor(s)Day/TimeHow Offered
24.900Introduction to Linguistics
Recitation 1
Recitation 2
Recitation 3
Recitation 4
Recitation 5
RichardsTR 11‑12:30
F 10-11
F 11-12
F 11-12
F 12-1
24.903Language and Its Structure III: Semantics and PragmaticsElliottMW 11‑12:30Virtual
24.903 Language and Its Structure III: Semantics and Pragmatics
24.903 will meet virtually via Zoom at the scheduled time (MW 11-12:30 ET). Classes will be recorded, but synchronous attendance is expected. Given current circumstances, there is some flexibility regarding the attendance requirement depending on individual students' circumstances. Any student who wishes to take 24.903 but who knows they cannot attend some or all of the classes synchronously should contact the instructor by the end of the first week of the semester.

There will be an additional TA-led recitation, which will be scheduled in the first week of the semester. This is strictly speaking optional, but students are highly encouraged to attend. There will also be regular office hours with the instructor and TA.
24.904Language Acquisition
Recitation 1
AravindTR 11-12
24.904 Language Acquisition
Classes will be held via Zoom on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11am-12pm, but recordings will be made available for later viewing. In addition, one-hour recitations will be held by TAs weekly at times chosen to best accommodate the range of time zones of registered students. There will be a heavy focus on real-time exchange of ideas and views, so synchronous attendance is expected. At the same time, we recognize that students' individual situations may vary and aim to put a premium on flexibility. Assignments will include weekly discussion posts, a take-home midterm and a final research project on a topic of the student's choosing.

24.905JLab in PsycholinguisticsGibsonMW 1‑2:30
F 1-4
24.908Creole Languages and Caribbean IdentitiesDeGraffW 12-3Virtual
24.912JBlack Matters: Introduction to Black StudiesDeGraff, Fox Harrell, WoodT 2-5Virtual
24.914Language Variation and ChangeAlbrightTR 2:30‑4Virtual
24.914 Language Variation and Change
24.914 will be taught via Zoom, with live class sessions for lecture and discussion. The assignments for this class rely heavily on real-time discussion to develop hypotheses and predictions, but we will attempt to accommodate participants' circumstances and schedules with recordings for later viewing, flexible Zoom office hours, and Piazza discussion.
24.918Workshop in Linguistic ResearchFlynnMW 1-2:30Virtual
24.918 Workshop in Linguistic Research
24.918 will be taught via zoom (remotely) synchronously.
24.933Language and Its Structure III: Semantics and Pragmatics
(meets with undergraduate subject 24.903)
ElliottMW 11‑12:30Virtual
24.942Topics in the Grammar of a Less Familiar LanguageKenstowicz, RichardsW 10-1Virtual
24.948Linguistic Theory and Second and Third Language Acquisition in Children and AdultsFlynnM 3‑5:30Virtual
24.952Advanced SyntaxAravindMW 11:30-1Virtual
24.956Topics in SyntaxElliott, von Fintel, Fox, Iatridou, PesetskyMR 3-5Virtual
24.960Syntactic ModelsPesetskyT 2-5Virtual
24.962Advanced PhonologySteriadeTR 10-11:30Virtual
24.964Topics in PhonologyFlemmingM 10-1Virtual
24.973Advanced SemanticsHacklMW 9:30-11Virtual
24.981Topics in Computational PhonologyAlbrightT 10-1Virtual
24.991Workshop in LinguisticsHackl, KenstowiczF 12-3Virtual
24.993Tutorial in Linguistics & Related FieldsSee Dept.
24.995Linguistics Professional PerspectiveSee Dept.
24.THG Graduate ThesisSee Dept.