This page offers information about the minor offered by the Linguistics section of our department. We also offer a major program and a HASS Concentration in Linguistics.
The Minor Program in Linguistics consists of six subjects arranged in three levels of study, intended to provide students with breadth in the field of theoretical linguistics as a whole. The three levels are as follows:
Tier I
One subject chosen from:
note: 24.900 and 24.9000 are equivalent subjects; credit cannot be received for both.
Tier II
Three subjects:
- 24.901 Language and Its Structure I: Phonology
- 24.902 Language and Its Structure II: Syntax
- 24.903 Language and Its Structure III: Semantics and Pragmatics
Tier III
Two subjects chosen from:
- 24.904 Language Acquisition
- 24.905J Psycholinguistics
- 24.906J The Linguistic Study of Bilingualism
- 24.909 Field Methods in Linguistics
- 24.910 Advanced Topics in Linguistic Analysis
- 24.914 Language Variation and Change
- 24.915 Linguistic Phonetics
Contact Information
Professor Edward Flemming
Undergraduate Minor Advisor