MIT Linguistics and Philosophy
77 Massachusetts Avenue, 32-D808
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
- (under construction: August 4, 2016)
- Slides from plenary talk, Linguistic Society of America, January 4, 2013: "Что дѣлать? What is to be done?"
- Phrasal Movement and its Discontents: Diseases and Diagnostics (January 2012), in Lisa Cheng & Norbert Corver (eds.), Diagnostics in Syntax, Oxford University Press
- Russian case morphology and the syntactic categories (October 2010)
- The Identity Thesis for Language and Music
(October 2009, with Jonah Katz)
[clickable sound included in the PDF; sound files also available here] - Against Taking Diversity at "Face Value"
Invited commentary (May 2009) on "The Myth of Language Universals" by Evans & Levinson, - a target article to appear in Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
- pedagogical chapter on Case theory (with Esther Torrego) Draft of a chapter for the Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Minimalism, February 2009
- Pirahã Exceptionality: a Reassessment
(with Andrew Nevins and Cilene Rodrigues)
Language 85.2, 355-404 (June 2009) [An earlier draft is available here.] (Responds to this paper, among others.) - Evidence and Argumentation: a Reply to Everett (2009) (with Andrew Nevins and Cilene Rodrigues) Language 85.3, 671-681 (September 2009) (A reply to this response to the paper listed above.)
- Property Delay: Remarks on "Phase Extension" by Marcel den Dikken
Solicited "peer commentary", Theoretical Linguistics., 33.1, pp. 105-120. (2007)
Read the paper this is commenting on here. - Probes, Goals and Syntactic Categories (with Esther Torrego, UMass/Boston; June 2006).
In Proceedings of the Seventh Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics (Y. Otsu, ed; 2006) - The Syntax of Valuation and the Interpretability of Features. (with Esther Torrego, UMass/Boston; October 2004).
In Phrasal and Clausal Architecture: Syntactic Derivation and Interpretation.
Amsterdam: Benjamins. (S. Karimi, V. Samiian and W.Wilkins, eds; 2007)
Manuscript versions of recently published work
- Cyclic Linearization of Syntactic Structure (with Danny Fox, MIT; May 2004)
[Theoretical Linguistics 31.1-2, 1-46. special issue on Object Shift in Scandinavian; Katalin É. Kiss, ed.] - Responses to Fox & Pesetsky (2004) from Theoretical Linguistics 31.1-2:
by Elena Anagnostopoulou; Jonathan Bobaljik; Molly Diesing; Anders Holmberg; Gereon Mueller; Øystein Nilsen;
Peter Sells; Balázs Surányi; Peter Svenonius; and Edwin Williams. [links are to those drafts available on the web]. - Reply to the responses by Fox and Pesetsky.
[Theoretical Linguistics 31.1-2, 235-262. special issue on Object Shift in Scandinavian; Katalin É. Kiss, ed.] - Note: The Theoretical Linguistics paper contains about 1/3 of the material that will form part of a monograph, in prep.
For some of the remaining material, the best current source is the following lengthy handout:
"Cyclic Linearization and the Typology of Movement" (with Danny Fox, MIT)
Related work:
- "Cyclic Linearization and Asymmetry in Scrambling" by Heejeong Ko
"Pseudo-gapping and Cyclic Linearization" by Shoichi Takahashi - "Tense, case, and the nature of syntactic categories" (with Esther Torrego, UMass/Boston; 2002)
[Final version in The Syntax of Time, J. Guéron and J. Lecarme (eds.), MIT Press 2004] - "T-to-C Movement: Causes and Consequences (with Esther Torrego, UMass/Boston)"
[Final version in Michael Kenstowicz (ed.), Ken Hale: A Life on Language. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (2001)] - "The Maturation of Grammatical Principles: Evidence from Russian Unaccusatives"
(with Maria Babyonyshev, Ronald Fein, Jennifer Ganger and Kenneth Wexler)
[Significantly revised version appeared in Linguistic Inquiry 32.1 (2001)] - Phrasal Movement and Its Kin
[Final version appeared as an MIT Press Monograph (2000)] - "Principles of Sentence Pronunciation"
[Final version appeared In P. Barbosa, D. Fox, P. Hagstrom, M. McGinnis and D. Pesetsky (eds.)
Is the Best Good Enough?, MIT Press (1998)]
Encyclopedia articles
- "Linguistic Universals and Universal Grammar", MIT Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. (2000)
- "Principles & Parameters Theory" Oxford International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, 2nd edition. Ed. W. Frawley. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2003)
Older Unpublished work
- These PDF files are made from older manuscripts, and were not prepared for publication. They contain formatting and other errors.
- "Russian Morphology and Lexical Theory" (1977)
[Generals paper in phonology from my graduate student days. Of interest as the birthplace of (what later became known as) Lexical Phonology.] - "The Earliness Principle" (1989)
[Paper presented at GLOW in 1989, but never written up.
Interesting data and observations about counterfactual inversion and about short verb movement in English.] - "Zero Syntax: vol. 2: Infinitives "(1991)
[Material intended for Zero Syntax but not included in the final publication.]
- "How Psychological Science Informs the Teaching of Reading",
by Keith Rayner, Barbara R. Foorman, Charles A. Perfetti, David Pesetsky, and Mark S. Seidenberg.
Psychological Science in the Public Interest 2:2 (November 2001) - "How Reading Should be Taught"
by Keith Rayner, Barbara R. Foorman, Charles A. Perfetti, David Pesetsky, and Mark S. Seidenberg. Scientific American, March 2002. - "The Battle for Language: from Syntax to Phonics"
[a handout for a talk in a USC series on Language and Mind. (2000)] - "If Language Is Instinctual, How Should We Write and Teach?"
[a talk delivered to a 1997 seminar organized by the American Society of Newspaper Editors] - "Linguistics and Learning to Read"
[ an essay prepared for a 1996 workshop of the National Council of Teachers of English]
- new! Dependent Case as Binding Theory (2011)
[handout from invited talk at NELS 42] - The Recursive Syntax and Prosody of Tonal Music (2009; with Jonah Katz)
(handout for an earlier version of the paper The Identity Thesis for Language and Music listed above)
from a talk at the conference Recursion: Structural Complexity in Language and Cognition;
includes clickable sound (OS X users: Adobe Acrobat only, sound does not work in Preview) - Music Syntax is Language Syntax (2007)
[Updated version of a handout from a talk first delivered at the conference Language and Music as Cognitive Systems]
- Russian Case Morphology and the Syntactic Categories. MIT Press, 2013.
- Phrasal Movement and its Kin. MIT Press, 2000.
- Is the Best Good Enough? MIT Press, 1998.
- Zero Syntax, MIT Press, 1994.
- Pesetsky, David. To appear. Complementizer-trace effects. to appear in Martin Everaert and Henk van Riemsdijk (eds.) A Companion to Syntax, 2nd edition, Oxford: Blackwell..
- Legate, Julie; Pesetsky, David; Yang, Charles. 2013. Recursive Misrepresentations: a reply to Levinson (2013). Language 90.2, 515-528. (DOI: 10.1353/lan.2014.0034).
- Pesetsky, David. 2013. Phrasal Movement and its Discontents: Diseases and Diagnostics. in Lisa L.L. Cheng and Norbert Corver (eds.) Diagnostics for Movement, Oxford University Press. (2013) , pp. 123-157..
- Pesetsky, David. 2013. Russian Case Morphology and the Syntactic Categories. MIT Press.
- Katz, Jonah; Pesetsky, David. 2011. The Identity Thesis for Language and Music. submitted.
- Pesetsky, David; Torrego, Esther. 2011. Case. in C. Boeckx, ed. Handbook of Linguistic Minimalism, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 52-72.
- Pesetsky, David. 2009. Against taking linguistic diversity at '"face value". invited commentary on paper by Evans and Levinson. Brain and Behavioral Sciences 32.5, 464-5..
- Nevins, Andrew; Pesetsky, David; Rodrigues, Cilene. 2009. Evidence and Argumentation: a reply to Everett (2009). Language 85.3, 671-681.
- Nevins, Andrew; Pesetsky, David; Rodrigues, Cilene. 2009. Piraha Exceptionality: a Reassessment. Language 85.2, 355-404.
- Pesetsky, David. 2008. Passive, Deponency and Tense: Comments on the Paper by Papangeli and Lavidas. in S. Iatridou, ed. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics: Proceedings of the Workshop on Greek Syntax.
- Pesetsky, David. 2007. Property Delay. Theoretical Linguistics, 33.1, pp. 105-120.
- Pesetsky, David; Torrego, Esther. 2007. The Syntax of Valuation and the Interpretability of Features. in S. Karimi, V. Samiian and W.Wilkins, eds. Phrasal and Clausal Architecture. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
- Pesetsky, David; Torrego, Esther. 2006. Probes, Goals and Syntactic Categories. in Yukio Otsu, ed. Proceedings of the 7th annual Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics. Tokyo: Hituzi Syobo Publishing Company..
- Fox, Danny; Pesetsky, David. 2005. Cyclic Linearization and its interaction with other aspects of grammar: a reply. Theoretical Linguistics 31.1-2 (Special Issue on Object Shift). pp. 235-262 [reply to commentataries on Fox & Pesetsky 2005].
- Fox, Danny; Pesetsky, David. 2005. Cyclic Linearization of Syntactic Structure. Theoretical Linguistics 31.1-45.
- Pesetsky, David; Torrego, Esther. 2004. Tense, Case and the Nature of Syntactic Categories . .
- Ratner, Keith; Foorman, Barbara R.; Perfetti, Charles A.; Pesetsky, David; Seidenberg, Mark S. 2002. How should reading be taught?. Scientific American (March 1 2002).
- Rayner, Keith; Foorman, Barbara R.; Perfetti, Charles A.; Pesetsky, David; Seidenberg, Mark S. 2002. How Psychological Science Informs the Teaching of Reading. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 2:2.
- Pesetsky, David; Torrego, Esther. 2001. T-to-C Movement: Causes and Consequences. M. Kenstowicz (ed.) Ken Hale: A Life in Language. Cambridge: MIT Press, pp. 355-426.